
Welcome to my page! Photography is a passion of mine. It helps me to explore the world around me as well as just meet those who need their memories captured.

My name is Lynnea. As a person, I find myself to be very laid-back but friendly. As a photographer, I want to capture your emotions, your personalities, and especially your memories with every photo that I take. With each image captured, it will be able to represent something for you, at least that is my hope. Let it represent your love for each other, your love for your child, your happiness for graduating soon or even just the happiness for the year. I want to be able to allow you to capture each of those emotions so you will always have something to be able to remind you of them, so you can look at them and be able to recall those emotions and just make each day a great day.

This is my adventure to help others put their memories onto a piece a paper. Be prepared for a wonderful time when you book with me! I hope to be able to talk with you soon! Don’t forget to like my Facebook page!